End of Pen and Paper Assessments

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With the advances in digital learning software and the current challenges of the global landscape, the need for remote testing applications is more topical than ever.

Along with businesses moving more and more to operating online where possible following COVID-19, the education sector is also having to take notice and adapt by migrating to assessment software and phasing out traditional pen and paper testing. Assessment is central to learning.

E-learning that is widely available in the U.K. needs testing technology to deliver high-calibre results for the learners and to lighten the burden of teachers and administrative staff. For example, in the U.K, the e-Assessment Association, a not-for-profit membership organisation, is striving to encourage good use of e-assessment technology.

Dmitri Adov, Technical Director at Software Country, a custom software development company specialising in educational software, e-assessment platforms and virtual learning environments, emphasises the benefits of moving forward from on-paper exam solutions to more modern assessment using on-screen tests and developing on-screen marking functionality.

Testing automation gives flexibility to candidates who can conduct exams when it is convenient, and the process can be made engaging by using multimedia options. Large amounts of exam data can be recorded and securely stored by using high-load web solutions unlike with paper-based assessments that expose the process to inaccuracies and security issues. The reporting is accurate and the administrative load is reduced when the delivery is more effective.

The benefits of remote testing applications might just be the solution to keeping the education system healthy and with all stakeholders benefiting.

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